靜下來 專輯介紹
趙雷2017年最新專輯《靜下來》。安靜的夜晚,適合與最真實的自己獨處。2017年初,因《我是歌手》節目帶來巨大關注度的趙雷卻毅然拒絕了節目后過度的曝光、演出以及商業合作的機會。他安安靜靜將自己清零,把大部分時間專注于創作,讓自己回歸起點。今天,趙雷只用這首新歌訴出心聲:“我想應該靜下來想一些話,走一段路,看一本書。”上帝給予每個人的時光都有限,我們該做些什么?唯有讓自己靜下來,才會聽到靈魂之所向。in silent nights, the best thing to do is spending alone with the truly self. after the appearance on the famous tv show—i am a singer , zhao lei has received huge interests from the public from the beginning of 2017. however, he chose to clear himself rather than to be over exposed by performances and advertisements in these days, zhao lei spent most of his time to concentrate on creating songs, and get back to the basics. today, zhao lei opens his heart in the new song: “i should slow down the footsteps, to read a book, take a walk, and think about some truth.” the time we received from god is limited, so what should we do? slow down, and we can finally hear the wants from our spirits.